Our tiny city is considering public school uniforms and while most parents I have talked to love the idea, some have started a firestorm of whining. Since I have a child that has attended schools that require uniforms, I feel a tad in the know. My daughter hopes and prays that our city will implement uniforms.
I am not really sure why some parents are opposed to school uniforms. They are beneficial on many levels.
First, uniforms are great for creating a sense of equality within a school. Equality means a fair shake for all and a better educational playing field.
The kinds of uniforms that being proposed for Richmond Hill schools are simple, basic color clothing items. As it is now written, skorts, shorts, jumpers and pants would still be allowed. Short and long sleeved shirts are still allowed. The only thing that is limited is patterns and the unformity is in the colors. Styles are simple, appropriate and will not show belly buttons or butt cracks…and who needs that in school?
There are many low-to-middle income families that have trouble buying the ‘latest and greatest’ fashions for their kids. Children in this income bracket often feel lower or less “accepted” than other kids because clothing definately reflects affluence levels.
Whether we like it or not, children can be cruel in school. We can save some kids harassment creating an atmosphere of equality.
Kids who are lucky enough to be from more affluent families should understand that clothing and “material” items do not make them better than anyone else. Unformity of clothing is good way to force kids to prove themselves by actions and not status symbols.
To those parents that think it will cost more to buy clothing that is uniform, you are wrong. You do not need to buy the proposed uniform items in a speciality store. Basic blue and khaki are available at JcPenney, Sears, outlets and many other places. Most basic uniform style clothing costs less than the “fad” items the kids are wearing now.
Another benefit of uniforms is the ease of morning preparation. Picking and choosing clothing oftens adds to the hustle and bustle of school mornings. Uniforms are guaranteed to speed things up and remove a little stress.
Uniforms are also good for safety. Let’s face it, there are guns in many homes in our city. Heck, it is the southern way to own firearms. God-given right or some such whoeee. Whatever we can do to keep them from being hidden under clothes and brought into school…is a very good thing.
I notice a lot of ‘fashionsita’ moms in the school car lines and I can’t help but wonder if these are the ladies that are whining about uniforms. To them, I suggest that they stop worrying if Sally will look stylish and be more concerned if she will be smart and safe.