Christopher Michael Barrios of Brunswick, GA is dead.
Why? Because our justice system is painfully flawed. Sex offenders do not register when then move. Does anyone really believe that these upstanding members of society would voluntarily stroll into a police station to tell authorities where they are living?
Sex offenders are not marked/visible enough in society. Therefore, responsible caring parents can't protect their children from these monsters. I believe and it has been proven that once a sex offender, always a sex offender.
These guys (and yes they are mostly male) should face the death penalty when they attack a minor. The only way to cure a sex offender is to kill them.
Some states have considered issuing license plates that read SX OFFDR. I believe that is a good start. It is the least that we can do.
When Sonny Purdue was running for another term as Governor of Georgia, his television ads touted a “Sonny Do” list and encouraged voters to send him ideas and suggestions.
Well Sonny. Here’s a big TO DO. Protect our children. Mark sex offenders with license plates, tattoos or any other easily identifiable marks. Sonny, create a state list that identifies sex offenders with names and addresses. Distribute this list in schools once each quarter. Make sure that it is updated.
Sonny DO follow up on the where-abouts of sex offenders. These dangerous criminals can not be trusted to police themselves. They are hurting and killing children. No respect should be given to their privacy. They gave up that right when they touched a child.
The current sex offender codes say “If an offender moves to another county in the State of Georgia, he/she is required to register with the Sheriff of his/her new county of residence in addition to notifying the Sheriff of his/her previous county of residence.” Yeah, ok… that is not going to happen.
How can parents look for sex offenders in GA today? Check out this site-
State sites like this are obviously not enough. The parents of Christopher Michael Barrios deserved a chance to save their child. How many people even know about these sites?
Let’s get serious about tracking, marking and exposing the monsters in our midst.